The Raven Patrol

The "Raven Patrol" of Wood Badge Course NE-IV 86 was made up of a unique group of men from different back grounds, scouting experiences and expectations. A special friendship developed during that week at Camp Mack.

If you are not a Raven, You're Lunch! 

(Top-Left to Right David L. and Bill D. Bottom-Left to Right) Dick J., Jeff R., Bruce B. and George S.

Raven History

In 1911, just 4 years after Scouting had begun in Great Britain, Baden-Powell was training Scout Leaders through a series of lectures and demonstrations. Seeing a need for more, he developed the first Wood Badge training course which was held 8 years later at Gilwell Park in London. Then in 1936, using this format, the first experimental Wood Badge course was held at Schiff Scout Reservation in the United States.


Jump forward to 1996, J. Edward Mack Scout Reservation, a sprawling Scout camp in Newmanstown, Pennsylvania straddling the counties of Lancaster and Lebanon. There, a large group of Scouters from across the Northeast Region had gathered in the "North Camp" for Wood Badge course NE-IV-86. Names were called and the patrols assigned. Beaver, Bobwhite, Eagle, Fox, Owl, Bear, Buffalo and Antelope but left waiting in the warm sun was a group of 6 men whose names had yet to be called. 

Strangers to each other, but all were there with the same intent, to become better Scout Leaders. Finally, their names were called, their patrol assigned, Ravens.  It was more than just a patrol of Scouters, it was a combining of unique scouting and life experiences mixed with a spirit for adventure, a desire for new challenges and a BIG scoop of attitude and independence. It was the beginning of the "RAVENS".


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